案宗第一幕:綁架 Casebook Episode 1 Kidnapped 英文正式版(AVG 冒險遊戲軟體)(DVD版)
The Skid Rowdies are looking new blood to fill up the ranks.
We're a professional team of dedicated sceners with big mark
under sceners. We believe on the ground idealism of the root
of the real old school scene. We do all this for fun and
nothing else. We don't earn anything on our hobby, as we do
this for the competition and the heart of what got the scene
started in the mid eighties.
If you think you got something to offer, then don't hold back
on contacting us as soon as possible.
Skid Row 2009
On with the game release information:
The Birchermann children have been kidnapped, and it's up to
you and your partner, Detective Burton, to bring them home.
You'll have to carefully check crime scenes for clues, then
interview suspects to figure out if they are lying or telling
the truth. Utilize cutting-edge technology to track the
kidnappers as you attempt to solve the case.
Casebook Episode 1: Kidnapped is a unique gaming experience
that uses real actors and live action clips to forward the
plot while testing your crime-solving skills. You'll explore
3D crime scenes and play forensic puzzles and mini games as
the storyline unfolds. Inspired by today's top TV crime
dramas, this thrilling test of wits will thrust you into
intense scenes that call for strategy and cleverness.
Combines realistic 3D environments with film clips featuring
real actors
Test your investigative and crime-solving skills by collecting
clues as the story unfolds
Interview suspects and try to find out who's telling the truth
and who's lying
Track the kidnappers with cutting-edge technology
Explore realistic crime scenes as you try to solve the case
Play forensic puzzles and mini games and experience strategic
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